
Search Result



Interface JLevelIn

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static String $a
      anchor start tag that can accept all attributes.Makes the enclosed text or image a hyperlink to another file
      static String $abbr
      Standard start tag.
      static String $abbrtitle
      abbreviated form (e.g., WWW, HTTP, etc.) start tag set for title attributes and can accept other attributes
      static String $acronym
      Standard start tag.
      static String $address
      Standard start tag.Encloses the signature and address of the author, displayed in italics.
      static String $ahref
      anchor start tag set for href attribute and can accept others.
      static String $applet
      Standard start tag.
      static String $area
      Standard start tag.
      static String $article
      Standard start tag.
      static String $aside
      Standard start tag.
      static String $attrProperty
      Useful for html tags leveling within the implemented method
      static String $audio
      Standard start tag.
      static String $b
      Standard start tag.
      static String $base
      Standard start tag.Changes the default link target or relative link URL, useful if the page is read on another server.
      static String $basefont
      Standard start tag.
      static String $bdi
      Standard start tag.
      static String $bdo
      Standard start tag.
      static String $big
      Standard start tag.Makes the enclosed text one size bigger
      static String $blockquote
      Standard start tag.Indents the text in from both sides
      static String $body
      Standard start tag.Everything visible on your page goes between this and its end tags
      static String $button
      Standard start tag.
      static String $canvas
      Standard start tag.
      static String $caption
      Standard start tag.contains the caption of the table, the title of sorts.
      static String $center
      Standard start tag.Aligns the surrounded objects (anything from text or images to forms etc.) to the center.
      static String $cite
      Standard start tag.Includes a citation, and is usually rendered as italics.
      static String $code
      Standard start tag.If you are including either computer or HTML code into your documents wrap these around it.
      static String $col
      Standard start tag.
      static String $colgroup
      Standard start tag.Allows you to set attributes for the entire column.
      static String $command
      Standard start tag.
      static String $datalist
      Standard start tag.
      static String $dd
      Standard start tag.Creates a definition, which appears below its parent term and indented from the left
      static String $del
      Standard start tag.
      static String $details
      Standard start tag.
      static String $dfn
      Standard start tag.A definition.
      static String $dir
      Standard start tag.
      static String $div
      Standard start tag.Surround distinct sections of your page in divs, primarily to align them, but many other attributes are supported and divs can be used to set up layers too.
      static String $dl
      Standard start tag.Creates a definition list.
      static String $doctype
      The DTD (Document Type Declaration), this tells your browser which version of HTML you're using.
      static String $dt
      Standard start tag.Creates a definition term.
      static String $em
      Standard start tag.Emphasises the surrounded text, changing it to italics.
      static String $embed
      Standard start tag.Adds a multimedia element directly into your page, allowing your browser to play it with a plug-in.
      static String $fieldset
      Standard start tag.Allows you to group form elements together into logical arrangements.
      static String $figcaption
      Standard start tag.
      static String $figure
      Standard start tag.
      static String $font
      Standard start tag.Sets the font properties for the selected text.
      static String $footer
      Standard start tag.
      static String $form
      Standard start tag.Begins a form area.
      static String $formGetAct 
      static String $formPostAct 
      static String $frame
      Standard start tag.Defines a single frame within a frameset.
      static String $frameset
      Standard start tag.Starts a new frame layout.
      static String $h1
      Standard start tag.Sets the text as a heading, with values of h1 (the biggest) to h6 (the smallest).
      static String $h2
      Standard start tag.Sets the text as a heading, with values of h2 smaller than h1.
      static String $h3
      Standard start tag.Sets the text as a heading, with values of h3 smaller than h2.
      static String $h4
      Standard start tag.Sets the text as a heading, with values of h4 smaller than h3.
      static String $h5
      Standard start tag.Sets the text as a heading, with values of h5 smaller than h4.
      static String $h6
      Standard start tag.Sets the text as a heading, with values of h6 smallest heading.
      static String $head
      Standard start tag.Starts the header part of the document and its use is optional
      static String $header
      Standard start tag.
      static String $hgroup
      Standard start tag.
      static String $hr
      Standard tag.Inserts a grey horizontal line across the page.
      static String $html
      Standard start tag.Standard opening and closing tags for any HTML page.
      static String $htmlBody
      Start tag up to body; next is head tag and so on
      static String $htmlBodyHead
      Start tag up to head tag
      static String $i
      Standard start tag.The default tag for italics.
      static String $iframe
      Standard start tag.Places an inline or 'floating' frame.
      static String $ins
      Standard start tag.
      static String $kbd
      Standard start tag.Implies that the text should be entered on the keyboard.
      static String $keygen
      Standard start tag.
      static String $label
      Standard start tag.You can make the explanatory text next to a form element into part of the clickable area with this tag, which makes selecting elements much easier.
      static String $legend
      Standard start tag.Titles your fieldsets with given text.
      static String $li
      Standard start tag.Each list item begins with an li, and they are all placed in either an ol or ul
      static String $map
      Standard start tag.
      static String $mark
      Standard start tag.
      static String $menu
      Standard start tag.
      static String $meta
      Standard start tag.A group of tags that give page and creator information specifically to the search engines.
      static String $meter
      Standard start tag.
      static String $nav
      Standard start tag.
      static String $nobr
      Standard start tag.Tells the enclosed text not to wrap at the edge of the screen, but continue on as long as it needs
      static String $noframes
      Standard start tag.If a visitor has an old browser which doesn't support frames you can leave a message or some content between these tags.
      static String $noscript
      Standard start tag.Enclose anything you want displayed by browsers that do not support scripts
      static String $object
      Standard start tag.
      static String $ol
      Standard start tag.Creates an ordered list, where each item is numbered in order
      static String $optgroup
      Standard start tag.
      static String $option
      Standard start tag.
      static String $output
      Standard start tag.
      static String $p
      Standard start tag.Makes the enclosed text a paragraph, with lines skipped at the top and bottom.
      static String $param
      Standard start tag.
      static String $pre
      Standard start tag.Displays text in fixed-width font and retains the formatting of the original text (i.e.
      static String $progress
      Standard start tag.
      static String $q
      Standard start tag.Used to mark up short, inline quotations.
      static String $rp
      Standard start tag.
      static String $rt
      Standard start tag.
      static String $ruby
      Standard start tag.
      static String $s
      Standard start tag.Displays the text with a strike-through.
      static String $samp
      Standard start tag.Indicates sample output from a form or program.
      static String $section
      Standard start tag.
      static String $select
      Standard start tag.Sets up an empty drop-down selection box.
      static String $small
      Standard start tag.Makes the enclosed text one size smaller.
      static String $source
      Standard start tag.
      static String $span
      Standard start tag.
      static String $start
      Useful for html tags leveling within the implemented method
      static String $strike
      Standard start tag.Displays the text with a strike-through.
      static String $strong
      Standard start tag.Creates emphasis for the selected text, rendered in bold.
      static String $style
      Standard start tag.
      static String $sub
      Standard start tag.Renders the text in subscript, which is words under the normal text.
      static String $summary
      Standard start tag.
      static String $sup
      Standard start tag.The sister tag to above, this renders text in superscript.
      static String $table
      Standard start tag.Places a table on your page
      static String $tbody
      Standard start tag.Defines the main body of a complex table.
      static String $td
      Standard start tag.Encloses a table cell.
      static String $textarea
      Standard start tag.Adds a multi-lined text area, suitable for input of a larger amount of information than the single-line text box.
      static String $tfoot
      Standard start tag.Wrap this around the footer part of your table.
      static String $th
      Standard start tag.same as table cells, but with all contents bold and aligned to the center.
      static String $thead
      Standard start tag.Defines the header part of a large table.
      static String $time
      Standard start tag.
      static String $title
      Standard start tag.Whatever is between these tags will appear in the blue bar at the top of the screen in browser.
      static String $tr
      Standard start tag.starts a new table row.
      static String $track
      Standard start tag.
      static String $tt
      Standard start tag.Renders text in fixed-width, mono-spaced font; like an old typewriter.
      static String $u
      Standard start tag.Displays the surrounded text underlined.
      static String $ul
      Standard start tag.Creates an unordered list, with each item bulleted.
      static String $var
      Standard start tag.
      static String $video
      Standard start tag.
      static String $wbr
      Standard tag.If you need a line break in a block of text you have set in nobr, add this.
      static String a$
      anchor end tag.
      static String abbr$
      abbreviated form (e.g., WWW, HTTP, etc.) end tag
      static String acronym$
      Standard end tag.
      static String address$
      Standard end tag.Encloses the signature and address of the author, displayed in italics.
      static String applet$
      Standard end tag.
      static String archive
      ;Related Elements:APPLET, OBJECT;space-separated list of URIs
      static String area$
      Standard end tag.
      static String article$
      Standard end tag.
      static String aside$
      Standard end tag.
      static String attrProperty$
      Useful for html tags leveling within the implemented method
      static String audio$
      Standard end tag.
      static String b$
      Standard end tag.
      static String base$
      Standard end tag.Changes the default link target or relative link URL, useful if the page is read on another server.
      static String basefont$
      Standard end tag.
      static String bdi$
      Standard end tag.
      static String bdo$
      Standard end tag.
      static String big$
      Standard end tag.Makes the enclosed text one size bigger
      static String blockquote$
      Standard end tag.Indents the text in from both sides
      static String body$
      Standard end tag.Everything visible on your page goes between these tags
      static String br
      Standard end tag.Stops the current line and goes on to the next.
      static String br10
      br tag x10
      static String br11
      br tag x11
      static String br12
      br tag x12
      static String br13
      br tag x13
      static String br14
      br tag x14
      static String br15
      br tag x15
      static String br16
      br tag x16
      static String br17
      br tag x17
      static String br18
      br tag x18
      static String br19
      br tag x19
      static String br2
      br tag x2
      static String br20
      br tag x20
      static String br3
      br tag x3
      static String br4
      br tag x4
      static String br5
      br tag x5
      static String br6
      br tag x6
      static String br7
      br tag x7
      static String br8
      br tag x8
      static String br9
      br tag x9
      static String button$
      Standard end tag.
      static String canvas$
      Standard end tag.
      static String caption$
      Standard end tag.contains the caption of the table, the title of sorts.
      static String center$
      Standard end tag.Aligns the surrounded objects (anything from text or images to forms etc.) to the center.
      static String cfilter$
      helpful for the level method
      static String checked
      checked attribute
      static String cite$
      Standard end tag.Includes a citation, and is usually rendered as italics.
      static String close$
      Ends open start tags that have accepted all requied attributes and their properties.Same function as startend$
      static String code$
      Standard end tag.If you are including either computer or HTML code into your documents wrap these around it.
      static String col$
      Standard end tag.
      static String colgroup$
      Standard end tag.Allows you to set attributes for the entire column.
      static String command$
      Standard end tag.
      static String datalist$
      Standard end tag.
      static String dd$
      Standard end tag.Creates a definition, which appears below its parent term and indented from the left
      static String del$
      Standard end tag.
      static String details$
      Standard end tag.
      static String dfn$
      Standard end tag.A definition.
      static String dir$
      Standard end tag.
      static String div$
      Standard end tag.Surround distinct sections of your page in divs, primarily to align them, but many other attributes are supported and divs can be used to set up layers too.
      static String dl$
      Standard end tag.Creates a definition list.
      static String dt$
      Standard end tag.Creates a definition term.
      static String dxata
      reference to object's data;Related elements:OBJECT
      static String em$
      Standard end tag.Emphasises the surrounded text, changing it to italics.
      static String ema
      embeded css tag for html a tag
      static String emahover
      embeded css tag for html a:hover tag
      static String emavisited
      embeded css tag for html a:visited tag
      static String emb
      embeded css tag for html b tag
      static String embed$
      Standard end tag.Adds a multimedia element directly into your page, allowing your browser to play it with a plug-in.
      static String embig
      embeded css tag for html big tag
      static String embody
      embeded css tag for html body tag
      static String emcenter
      embeded css tag for html center tag
      static String emclass
      embeded css for html class
      static String emclose
      helpful for the level method
      static String emdiv
      embeded css tag for html div tag
      static String emem
      embeded css tag for html em tag
      static String emh1
      embeded css tag for html h1 tag
      static String emh2
      embeded css tag for html h2 tag
      static String emh3
      embeded css tag for html h3 tag
      static String emh4
      embeded css tag for html h4 tag
      static String emh5
      embeded css tag for html h5 tag
      static String emh6
      embeded css tag for html h6 tag
      static String emi
      embeded css tag for html i tag
      static String emid
      embeded css for html id attribute useful for forms
      static String emimg
      embeded css tag for html img tag
      static String emli
      embeded css tag for html li tag
      static String emol
      embeded css tag for html ol tag
      static String emp
      embeded css tag for html p tag
      static String emspan
      embeded css tag for html span tag
      static String emsub
      embeded css tag for html sub tag
      static String emsup
      embeded css tag for html sup tag
      static String emtable
      embeded css tag for html table tag
      static String emtd
      embeded css tag for html td tag
      static String emthead
      embeded css tag for html thead tag
      static String emtr
      embeded css tag for html tr tag
      static String emu
      embeded css tag for html u tag
      static String emul
      embeded css tag for html ul tag
      static String end$
      Ends tags such as input,img instead of using an standard end tag
      static String eTableZ 
      static String etdEtr 
      static String etdStd 
      static String etdStr 
      static String etdStrStd 
      static String etdtr 
      static String etdtrtable 
      static String ethEtrStrStd 
      static String ethSth 
      static String etrStd 
      static String fieldset$
      Standard end tag.Allows you to group form elements together into logical arrangements.
      static String figcaption$
      Standard end tag.
      static String figure$
      Standard end tag.
      static String filter$ 
      static String font$
      Standard end tag.Sets the font properties for the selected text.
      static String footer$
      Standard end tag.
      static String form$
      Standard end tag.Begins a form area.
      static String formZ 
      static String frame$
      Standard end tag.Defines a single frame within a frameset.
      static String frameset$
      Standard end tag.Starts a new frame layout.
      static String h1$
      Standard end tag.Sets the text as a heading, with values of h1 (the biggest) to h6 (the smallest).
      static String h2$
      Standard end tag.Sets the text as a heading, with values of h2 smaller than h1.
      static String h3$
      Standard end tag.Sets the text as a heading, with values of h3 smaller than h2.
      static String h4$
      Standard end tag.Sets the text as a heading, with values of h4 smaller than h3.
      static String h5$
      Standard end tag.Sets the text as a heading, with values of h5 smaller than h4.
      static String h6$
      Standard end tag.Sets the text as a heading, with values of h6 smallest heading
      static String head$
      Standard end tag.Enss the header part of the document if start tag is used as its use is optional
      static String header$
      Standard end tag.
      static String hgroup$
      Standard end tag.
      static String html$
      Standard end tag.Standard opening and closing tags for any HTML page.
      static String i$
      Standard end tag.The default tag for italics.
      static String iemth
      embeded css tag for html th tag
      static String iframe$
      Standard end tag.Places an inline or 'floating' frame.
      static String img$
      Standard end tag.
      static String imgSrc 
      static String ina
      inline css tag for html a tag must com before href
      static String inb
      inline css tag for html b tag
      static String inbig
      inline css tag for html big tag
      static String inbody
      inline css tag for html body tag
      static String incenter
      inline css tag for html center tag
      static String indiv
      inline css tag for html div tag
      static String inem
      inline css tag for html em tag
      static String inh1
      inline css tag for html h1 tag
      static String inh2
      inline css tag for html h2 tag
      static String inh3
      inline css tag for html h3 tag
      static String inh4
      inline css tag for html h4 tag
      static String inh5
      inline css tag for html h5 tag
      static String inh6
      inline css tag for html h6 tag
      static String ini
      inline css tag for html i tag
      static String inimg
      inline css tag for html img tag
      static String inli
      inline css tag for html li tag
      static String inol
      inline css tag for html ol tag
      static String inp
      inline css tag for html p tag
      static String input$
      Standard end tag.Allows you to add various user input fields, like text-boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, submit and reset buttons, depending on how you set the type attribute.
      static String ins$
      Standard end tag.
      static String inspan
      inline css tag for html span tag
      static String instrike
      inline css tag for html strike tag
      static String insub
      inline css tag for html sub tag
      static String insup
      inline css tag for html sup tag
      static String intable
      inline css tag for html table tag
      static String intd
      inline css tag for html td tag
      static String inth
      inline css tag for html th tag
      static String inthead
      inline css tag for html thead tag
      static String intr
      inline css tag for html tr tag
      static String inu
      inline css tag for html u tag
      static String inul
      inline css tag for html ul tag
      static String kbd$
      Standard end tag.Implies that the text should be entered on the keyboard.
      static String keygen$
      Standard end tag.
      static String label$
      Standard end tag.You can make the explanatory text next to a form element into part of the clickable area with this tag, which makes selecting elements much easier.
      static String legend$
      Standard end tag.Titles your fieldsets with given text.
      static String li$
      Standard end tag.Each list item begins with an li, and they are all placed in either an ol or ul
      static String link$
      Standard end tag.Allows you to associate external stylesheets and a favorites icon to the page
      static String map$
      Standard end tag.
      static String mark$
      Standard end tag.
      static String menu$
      Standard end tag.
      static String meta$
      Standard end tag.A group of tags that give page and creator information specifically to the search engines.
      static String meter$
      Standard end tag.
      static String nav$
      Standard end tag.
      static String nbsp
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x1
      static String nbsp10
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x10
      static String nbsp11
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x11
      static String nbsp12
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x12
      static String nbsp13
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x13
      static String nbsp14
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x14
      static String nbsp15
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x15
      static String nbsp16
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x16
      static String nbsp17
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x17
      static String nbsp18
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x18
      static String nbsp19
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x19
      static String nbsp2
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x2
      static String nbsp20
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x20
      static String nbsp21
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x21
      static String nbsp22
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x22
      static String nbsp23
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x23
      static String nbsp24
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x24
      static String nbsp25
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x25
      static String nbsp26
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x26
      static String nbsp27
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x27
      static String nbsp28
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x28
      static String nbsp29
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x29
      static String nbsp3
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x3
      static String nbsp30
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x30
      static String nbsp4
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x4
      static String nbsp5
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x5
      static String nbsp6
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x6
      static String nbsp7
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x7
      static String nbsp8
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x8
      static String nbsp9
      non-breaking space -nbsp; tag x9
      static String nobr$
      Standard end tag.Tells the enclosed text not to wrap at the edge of the screen, but continue on as long as it needs
      static String noframes$
      Standard end tag.If a visitor has an old browser which doesn't support frames you can leave a message or some content between these tags.
      static String noscript$
      Standard end tag.Enclose anything you want displayed by browsers that do not support scripts
      static String oacronym
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String oaddress
      start tag that is open for attributes/styles.
      static String oahref 
      static String oapplet
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String oarea
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String oarticle
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String oaside
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String oaudio
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String ob
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.
      static String obasefont
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String obdi
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String obdo
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String obig
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.Makes the enclosed text one size bigge
      static String object$
      Standard end tag.
      static String oblockquote
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String obody
      Start tag that is open for attributes/style.
      static String obutton
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String ocanvas
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String ocaption
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String ocenter
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.
      static String ocite
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.
      static String ocode
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.
      static String ocol
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String ocolgroup
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String ocommand
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String odatalist
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String odd
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String odel
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String odetails
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String odfn
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.A definition.
      static String odir
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String odiv
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.Surround distinct sections of your page in divs, primarily to align them, but many other attributes are supported and divs can be used to set up layers too.
      static String odl
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String odt
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String oem
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.Emphasises the surrounded text, changing it to italics.
      static String oembed
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String ofigcaption
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String ofigure
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String ofont
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.
      static String ofooter
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String oform
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String oframe
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String oframeset
      Start tag that is open for attributes
      static String oh1
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.Sets the text as a heading, with values of h1 (the biggest) to h6 (the smallest).
      static String oh2
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.Sets the text as a heading, with values of h2 smaller than h1.
      static String oh3
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.Sets the text as a heading, with values of h3 smaller than h2.
      static String oh4
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.Sets the text as a heading, with values of h4 smaller than h3.
      static String oh5
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.Sets the text as a heading, with values of h5 smaller than h4.
      static String oh6
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.Sets the text as a heading, with values of h6 smallest heading
      static String oheader
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String ohgroup
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String ohr
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.Inserts a styled horizontal line across the page.
      static String oi
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.The default tag for italics.
      static String oiframe
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String oimg
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.Places an image on your page
      static String oinput
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.Allows you to add various user input fields, like text-boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, submit and reset buttons, depending on how you set the type attribute.
      static String oins
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String okbd
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String okeygen
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String ol$
      Standard end tag.Creates an ordered list, where each item is numbered in order
      static String olabel
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String oli
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String olink
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.Allows you to associate external stylesheets and a favorites icon to the page
      static String omap
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String omark
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String omenu
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String ometer
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String onav
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String onoframes
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String onoscript
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String oobject
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String ool
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.
      static String ooptgroup
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String ooption
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String ooutput
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String op
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String oparam
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String opre
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String oprogress
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String optgroup$
      Standard end tag.
      static String option$
      Standard end tag.
      static String oq
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String orp
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String ort
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String oruby
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String os
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String osamp
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String oscript
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.Adds a script, usually a JavaScript into your page.
      static String osection
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String oselect
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String osmall
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String osource
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String ospan
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String ostrike
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String ostrong
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String ostyle 
      static String osub
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String osummary
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String osup
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String otable
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String otbody
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String otd
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String otextarea
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String otfoot
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String oth
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String othead
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String otime
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String otr
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles.
      static String otrack
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String ott
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String oul
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String output$
      Standard end tag.
      static String ovar
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String ovideo
      Start tag that is open for attributes/styles
      static String p$
      Standard end tag.Makes the enclosed text a paragraph, with lines skipped at the top and bottom.
      static String param$
      Standard end tag.
      static String pre$
      Standard end tag.Displays text in fixed-width font and retains the formatting of the original text (i.e.
      static String progress$
      Standard end tag.
      static String putPasId 
      static String putSubId 
      static String putTxtId
      Start tag.
      static String q$
      Standard end tag.Used to mark up short, inline quotations.
      static String rp$
      Standard end tag.
      static String rt$
      Standard end tag.
      static String ruby$
      Standard end tag.
      static String s$
      Standard end tag.Displays the text with a strike-through.
      static String samp$
      Standard end tag.Indicates sample output from a form or program.
      static String script$
      Standard end tag.Adds a script, usually a JavaScript into your page.
      static String section$
      Standard end tag.
      static String select$
      Standard end tag.Sets up an empty drop-down selection box.
      static String small$
      Standard end tag.Makes the enclosed text one size smaller.
      static String source$
      Standard end tag.
      static String span$
      Standard end tag.
      static String sstylex 
      static String start$
      Ends tags such as input,img instead of using an standard end tag
      static String startend$
      Ends start tags that have accepted all requied attributes and their properties.
      static String strike$
      Standard end tag.Displays the text with a strike-through.
      static String strong$
      Standard end tag.Creates emphasis for the selected text, rendered in bold.
      static String strStd 
      static String style$
      Standard end tag.
      static String sub$
      Standard end tag.Renders the text in subscript, which is words under the normal text.
      static String summary$
      Standard end tag.
      static String sup$
      Standard end tag.The sister tag to above, this renders text in superscript.
      static String table$
      Standard end tag.Places a table on your page
      static String tableTh 
      static String tbody
      Standard end tag.Defines the main body of a complex table.
      static String td$
      Standard end tag.Encloses a table cell.
      static String textarea$
      Standard end tag.Adds a multi-lined text area, suitable for input of a larger amount of information than the single-line text box.
      static String tfoot$
      Standard end tag.Wrap this around the footer part of your table.
      static String th$
      Standard end tag.same as table cells, but with all contents bold and aligned to the center.
      static String thead$
      Standard end tag.Defines the header part of a large table.
      static String time$
      Standard end tag.
      static String title$
      Standard end tag.Whatever is between these tags will appear in the blue bar at the top of the screen in browser.
      static String tr$
      Standard end tag.starts a new table row.
      static String track$
      Standard end tag.
      static String tt$
      Standard end tag.Renders text in fixed-width, mono-spaced font; like an old typewriter.
      static String u$
      Standard end tag.Displays the surrounded text underlined.
      static String ul$
      Standard end tag.Creates an unordered list, with each item bulleted.
      static String var$
      Standard end tag.
      static String video$
      Standard end tag.
      static String xabbr
      abbreviation for header cell;Related Elements:TD, TH
      static String xaccept
      list of MIME types for file upload;Related Elements:FORM, INPUT
      static String xacceptCharset
      list of supported charsets;Related Elements:FORM
      static String xaccesskey
      accessibility key character;Related Elements:A, AREA, BUTTON, INPUT, LABEL, LEGEND, TEXTAREA
      static String xaction
      server-side form handler; Related Elements:FORM ;Type:%URI
      static String xalign
      vertical or horizontal alignment; Related Elements:APPLET, IFRAME, IMG, INPUT, OBJECT,CAPTION,LEGEND,TABLE,HR,DIV, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, P,COL, COLGROUP, TBODY, TD, TFOOT, TH, THEAD, TR
      static String xalink
      color of selected links; Related Elements: BODY
      static String xallowfullscreen
      allowfullscreen pattribute
      static String xalt
      short description;Related Elements:APPLET,AREA, IMG,INPUT
      static String xautocomplete
      autocomplete attribute
      static String xautofocus
      autofocus attribute
      static String xautoplay
      autoplay attribute
      static String xaxis
      comma-separated list of related headers;Related Element:TD, TH
      static String xbackground
      texture tile for document background;Related Element:BODY
      static String xbgcolor
      document background color;Related Element:TABLE,TR,TD, TH,BODY
      static String xborder
      controls frame width;Related Element: IMG, OBJECT,TABLE
      static String xcellpadding
      spacing within cells; Related Element:TABLE
      static String xcellspacing
      spacing between cells;Related Element,TABLE
      static String xchallenge
      challenge attribute
      static String xchar
      alignment char, e.g.
      static String xcharoff
      offset for alignment char;COL, COLGROUP, TBODY, TD, TFOOT, TH, THEAD, TR
      static String xcharset
      list of supported charsets;Related Elements:FORM/
      static String xcite
      cite attribute
      static String xclass
      classifies this element into one or more subtypes
      static String xclassid
      identifies an implementation;Related Elements:OBJECT
      static String xclear
      clear attribute control of text flow;Related Elements:BR
      static String xcode
      applet class file;Related Element:APPLET
      static String xcodebase
      applet class file or optional base URI for applet;Related Element:APPLET,OBJECT
      static String xcodetype
      content type for code;Related Element:OBJECT
      static String xcolgroum
      colgroum attribute
      static String xcolor
      text color;Related elements:BASEFONT, FONT
      static String xcols
      list of lengths, default: 100% (1 col);Related Elements:FRAMESET,TEXTAREA
      static String xcolspan
      number of cols spanned by cell;Releted Elements:TD, TH
      static String xcommand
      static String xcompact
      reduced interitem spacing;Releted Elements:DIR, DL, MENU, OL, UL
      static String xcontent
      associated information;Releted Elements:META
      static String xcontrols
      controls attribute
      static String xcoords
      comma-separated list of lengths;Related element:A,AREA
      static String xcrossorigin
      crossorigin attribute
      static String xdatetime
      date and time of change;Related elements:DEL, INS
      static String xdeclare
      declare but don't instantiate flag;Related elements:OBJECT
      static String xdefau$t
      default attribute
      static String xdefer
      defer attribute UA may defer execution of script;Related elements:SCRIPT
      static String xdir
      direction for weak/neutral text,directionality;Related elements:All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FRAME, FRAMESET, IFRAME, PARAM, SCRIPT
      static String xdirname
      dirname attribute
      static String xdisabled
      unavailable in this contex;Related Elements:BUTTON, INPUT, OPTGROUP, OPTION, SELECT, TEXTAREA
      static String xenctype
      enctype attribute Related element: FORM
      static String xface
      face attribute comma-separated list of font names;Related element: BASEFONT, FONT
      static String xfor
      for attribute matches field ID value;Related elements:LABEL
      static String xform
      form attribute
      static String xformaction
      formaction attribute
      static String xformmethod
      formmethod attribute
      static String xformnovalidate
      formnovalidate attribute
      static String xformtarget
      formtarget attribute
      static String xframe
      which parts of frame to render;Related elements:TABLE
      static String xframeborder
      which parts of frame to render;Related elements:TABLE
      static String xglobals
      globals attribute
      static String xheaders
      list of id's for header cells;Related elements:TD, TH
      static String xheight
      height attribute
      static String xhigh
      high attribute
      static String xhref
      URI that acts as base URI; or URI for linked resource;Related elements:A, AREA, LINK,BASE
      static String xhreflang
      language code;Related elements:A, LINK
      static String xhspace
      horizontal gutter;Related elements:APPLET, IMG, OBJECT
      static String xhttpEquiv
      HTTP response header name;Related element:META
      static String xicon
      icon attribute
      static String xid
      a unique identifier for this element in the document ie document-wide unique id;Related elements:All elements but BASE, HEAD, HTML, META, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE
      static String xismap
      ismap attribute used by server-side image map;Related elements:MG, INPUT
      static String xkeytype
      keytype attribute
      static String xkind
      kind attribute
      static String xlang
      specifies the language of this element’s content along with the language of any attribute content (for example, that inside the title attribute):Related elements:All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BR, FRAME, FRAMESET, IFRAME, PARAM, SCRIPT
      static String xlanguage
      predefined script language name;Related element:SCRIPT
      static String xlink
      color of links;Related element:BODY
      static String xlist
      list attribute
      static String xlongdesc
      link to long description (complements title);Related element:FRAME, IFRAME,IMG
      static String xloop
      loop attribute
      static String xlow
      low attribute
      static String xmanifest
      manifest attribute
      static String xmarginheight
      margin height in pixels; Related Elements:FRAME, IFRAME
      static String xmarginwidth
      margin widths in pixels; Related Elements:FRAME, IFRAME
      static String xmax
      max attribute
      static String xmaxlength
      max chars for text fields; Related Elements:INPUT
      static String xmedia
      for rendering on these media;Related element:LINK
      static String xmediagroup
      mediagroup attribute
      static String xmethod
      HTTP method used to submit the form;Related elements:FORM
      static String xmin
      min attribute
      static String xmultiple
      default is single selection;Related elements:SELECT
      static String xmuted
      muted attribute
      static String xname
      different meaning for each element,but names the element in some way;Related elements:SELECT,BUTTON, TEXTAREA,APPLET,FORM,FRAME, IFRAME,IMG,A,INPUT, OBJECT,MAP,PARAM, META
      static String xnohref
      this region has no action;Related elements:AREA
      static String xnoresize
      allow users to resize frames?;Related elements:FRAME
      static String xnoshade
      Related elements:HR
      static String xnovalidate
      novalidate attribute
      static String xnowrap
      suppress word wrap;Related elements:TD, TH
      static String xobject
      serialized applet file;Related elements:APPLET
      static String xoformenctype
      formencyte attribute
      static String xonblur
      the element lost the focus;Related elements:A, AREA, BUTTON, INPUT, LABEL, SELECT, TEXTAREA
      static String xonchange
      the element value was changed;Related elements:INPUT, SELECT, TEXTAREA
      static String xonclick
      a pointer button was clicked;Related elements:All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FONT, FRAME, FRAMESET, HEAD, HTML, IFRAME, ISINDEX, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE
      static String xondblclick
      a pointer button was double clicked;Related elements:All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FONT, FRAME, FRAMESET, HEAD, HTML, IFRAME, ISINDEX, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE
      static String xonfocus
      the element got the focus;Related elements:A, AREA, BUTTON, INPUT, LABEL, SELECT, TEXTAREA
      static String xonkeydown
      a key was pressed down;Related elements:All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FONT, FRAME, FRAMESET, HEAD, HTML, IFRAME, ISINDEX, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE
      static String xonkeypress
      a key was pressed and released;Related elements:All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FONT, FRAME, FRAMESET, HEAD, HTML, IFRAME, ISINDEX, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE
      static String xonkeyup
      a key was released;Related elements:All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FONT, FRAME, FRAMESET, HEAD, HTML, IFRAME, ISINDEX, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE
      static String xonload
      all the frames have been loaded or the document has been loaded;Related elements:BODY,FRAMESET
      static String xonmousedown
      a pointer button was pressed down;Related elements:All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FONT, FRAME, FRAMESET, HEAD, HTML, IFRAME, ISINDEX, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE
      static String xonmousemove
      a pointer was moved within;Related elements:All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FONT, FRAME, FRAMESET, HEAD, HTML, IFRAME, ISINDEX, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE
      static String xonmouseout
      a pointer was moved away;Related elements:All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FONT, FRAME, FRAMESET, HEAD, HTML, IFRAME, ISINDEX, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE
      static String xonmouseover
      a pointer was moved onto;Related elements:All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FONT, FRAME, FRAMESET, HEAD, HTML, IFRAME, ISINDEX, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE
      static String xonmouseup
      a pointer button was released;Related elements:All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FONT, FRAME, FRAMESET, HEAD, HTML, IFRAME, ISINDEX, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE
      static String xonreset
      the form was reset;Related elements:FORM
      static String xonselect
      some text was selected;Related elements:INPUT, TEXTAREA
      static String xonsubmit
      the form was submitted;Related elements:FORM
      static String xonunload
      all the frames have been removed;Related elements:BODY,FRAMESET
      static String xopen
      open attribute
      static String xoptimum
      static String xpattern
      pattern attribute
      static String xplaceholder
      placeholder attribute
      static String xposter
      poster attribute
      static String xpreload
      preload attribute
      static String xprofile
      named dictionary of meta info;Related elements:HEAD
      static String xprompt
      prompt message;Related elements:ISINDEX
      static String xradiogroup
      radiogroup attribute
      static String xreadonly
      for text and passwd;Related elements:TEXTAREA,INPUT
      static String xrel
      forward link types;Related elements:A, LINK
      static String xrequired
      required attribute
      static String xrev
      reverse link types;Related elements:A, LINK
      static String xreversed
      reversed attribute
      static String xrows
      list of lengths, default: 100% (1 row);Related elements:FRAMESET,TEXTAREA
      static String xrowspan
      number of rows spanned by cell;Related elements:TD, TH
      static String xrules
      rulings between rows and cols;Related elements:TABLE
      static String xsandbox
      sandbox attribute
      static String xscheme
      select form of content;Related elements:META
      static String xscope
      scope covered by header cells;Related elements:TD, TH
      static String xscoped
      scoped attribute
      static String xscrolling
      scrollbar or none;Related elements:FRAME, IFRAME
      static String xseamless
      seamless attribute
      static String xselected
      suppress word wrap;Related elements:OPTION
      static String xshape
      controls interpretation of coords or for use with client-side image maps;Related elements:A,AREA
      static String xsize
      [+|-]nn e.g.
      static String xsizes
      sizes attribute
      static String xspan
      default number of columns in group, COL attributes affect N columns;Related elements:COL
      static String xsrc
      for fields with images or URI for an external script or source of frame content or URI of image to embed;Related elements:IMG,FRAME, IFRAME,INPUT,SCRIPT
      static String xsrcdoc
      srcdoc attribute
      static String xstandby
      message to show while loading;Related elements:OBJECT
      static String xstart
      starting sequence number;Related elements:OL
      static String xstep
      step attribute
      static String xstyle
      associated style info, specifies an inline style for this element;Related elements:All elements but BASE, BASEFONT, HEAD, HTML, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE
      static String xsummary
      purpose/structure for speech output;Related elements:TABLE
      static String xtabindex
      position in tabbing order;Related elements:A, AREA, BUTTON, INPUT, OBJECT, SELECT, TEXTAREA
      static String xtarget
      render in this frame;Related elements:A, AREA, BASE, FORM, LINK
      static String xtext
      document text color;Related elements:BODY
      static String xtitle
      advisory title,provides extra information about the element;Related elements:All elements but BASE, BASEFONT, HEAD, HTML, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, TITLE
      static String xtype
      content type;Related elements:A, LINK,OBJECT,PARAM,SCRIPT,STYLE,INPUT,LI,OL,UL,BUTTON
      static String xtypemustmatch
      typemustmatch attribute
      static String xusemap
      use client-side image map;Related elements:IMG, INPUT, OBJECT
      static String xvalign
      vertical alignment in cells;Related elements:COL, COLGROUP, TBODY, TD, TFOOT, TH, THEAD, TR
      static String xvalue
      property value;Related elements:INPUT,OPTION,PARAM,BUTTON,LI,
      static String xvaluetype
      How to interpret value;Related elements:PARAM
      static String xversion
      Constant;Related elements:HTML
      static String xvlink
      color of visited links;Related elements:BODY
      static String xvspace
      vertical gutter;Related elements:APPLET, IMG, OBJECT
      static String xwidth
      static String xwrap
      wrap attribute
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      String level(String[] htmlComponents)
      Method String Array and turn it into html
      String for rendering on the screen via swing components that supports html

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